11-year-old composer Amartya Paul is a wunderkind of musical gifts and talents as the young multi-instrumentalist is building a flourishing catalog of recordings and has also performed at some of the most prestigious venues in the world including Carnegie Hall, the Royal Albert Hall and Paris Philharmonie to name some prime examples.
Amartya is a classically trained musician (piano and violin) and has been honing his craft as a composer since the tender age of just 6 years old. Amartya's marvel of a music journey as a young composer has been guided under the expert tutelage of Grammy grant recipient Kia Portafekas who nurtures Amartya's artistry and maximizes his spark for creativity.
With this classical training in mind, Amartya still has been influenced by a variety of other musical formats and thus has developed a composition style that spans across a wide variety of genres. Taking his eclectic background and diverse spectrum of music creation into mind, today we're spotlighting a recent composition release of Amartya's titled "Princess Ava".

"Princess Ava" is an extraordinary classical composition as literally each note and stroke of the piano keys tells a story; invoking the depths of your imagination and conjuring up vivid images in your mind as you immerse yourself in the mellifluous progression of piano arpeggios and triads.
The story behind the concept of "Princess Ava" is brilliantly conceived and explained by Amartya, "This is part of a larger story about a royal family and the adventures they have. In this scene, Princess Ava is in the castle and hears commotion. She then makes her way down to the depths of the dungeon. Once inside the dark dungeon, she encounters the escaped giant. The giant and Princess Ava get into a struggle as Princess Ava tries to prevent the giant from escaping. However, despite her best efforts, the giant escapes. The story will continue to unfold over the course of months. Stay tuned!"
That's quite an adventurous storyline and the ebbs and flows depicted in 'Princess Ava" are masterfully portrayed throughout the course of the song.
The mood shifts and accompanying wide range of note selection gives the instrumental an incredible non-verbal expressiveness. In particular, the arrangement is beautifully laid out as the speed and cadence of the piano strums seamlessly on multiple levels. "Princess Ava" begins in a mid-tempo adagio stage and climaxes near the middle of the song in a frantic animato state that brilliantly reverts back to adagio.
With such attention to detail and focus on conveying the composition's theme accordingly, Amartya displays a musical dexterity and level of musicianship that is far beyond his years. Remarkable to say the least and a tribute to how he has embraced his burgeoning career and craft.
"Princess Ava" is available on all streaming platforms (Spotify link below). Make sure to stream it! save it to your Favorites Library and share it on your social media platforms. Amartya Paul is a one-of-a-kind music phenomenon and is sure to continue making his mark on the music landscape for years to come.
Scroll below to also find out more about Amartya in the Bio section and follow his music endeavors on the enclosed social media links.
Princess Ava
Listen to Princess Ava on Spotify. Amartya Paul · Song · 2022.
Follow Amartya Paul
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amartyapiano/
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/amartyapiano
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/amartyapiano
- YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCB8RIr44157cCRYzMmkL4Qw
Amartya Paul Bio
Amartya is an 11-year-old composer who is classically trained but is influenced by many genres of music. Similarly, his composition style cuts across different genres of music, and you never know what to expect, except that it will be wonderful. He draws inspiration from various aspects of the world around him and the stories he creates.
In addition to composing, Amartya plays the piano and violin. He also sings Western and Carnatic music. Over the years, Amartya has participated in various music competitions and has played at Carnegie Hall several times as well as the Royal Albert Hall and Paris Philharmonie. This included playing the piano and violin as well as playing his own composition, "The Sky, The Stars, and The Earth." You will find the video for The Earth on the home page.
Amartya started to learn to compose formally at age six. He has been under the passionate and masterful teaching of Kia Portafekas, a Grammy grant recipient. Her abilities are beyond words. Kia has an remarkable understanding of music and has brought out the best in Amartya.
Several of Amartya's works have been orchestrated by the amazing and talented Marc Riley and Deborah Offenhauser. Deborah Offensauser, who is also a world-class pianist, has also done phenomenal piano instrumental versions of Amartya's work.
Princess Ava
This is Princess Ava composed by Amartya. This is part of a larger story about a royal family and the adventures they have. In this scene, Princess Ava is in...
Credits: Piano: Deborah Offenhauser; Ice Dancers: Justyna Plutowska and Jeremie Flemin
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