Let’s face it. We love Adele. We love divorce albums. And let’s face it. We’re excited for 30.
Recently the fifteen-time Grammy winner released a snippet of her new hit, “Easy On Me,” during a Live Session on her Instagram, but it wasn’t until last Thursday that the full song was released.
Within the course of last weekend, the music video hit over 68 million views on Youtube with a play number over of 58,000,000 on Spotify — just enough to get us through till November 19th when the album is said to be released.
What’s the album about? “Divorce, babe, divorce.”
It was during an Instagram Live session that she revealed the central theme of her new album when asked by a viewer. She replied, “Divorce, babe, divorce,” leaving little to no room for misinterpretation as she also revealed the journey she’s had creating the album. She stated:
“I’ve learned a lot of blistering home truths about myself along the way. I’ve shed many layers but also wrapped myself in new ones. Discovered genuinely useful and wholesome mentalities to lead with, and I feel like I’ve finally found my feelings again. I’d go so far as to say I’ve never felt more peaceful in my life. And so, I’m ready to finally put this album out.”
While her divorce will most definitely be acknowledged in her songs to come, we can most definitely expect other powerful themes such as self-discovery, self-acceptance, and grief to be expressed as the singer as she stated in British Vogue: “I feel like this album is self-destruction then self-reflection and then sort of self-redemption.”
In addition, while the singer has admitted that she was no where near where she thought she would be when the first steps of the album’s production were made, (not to mention the delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic), if she’s ready, so are we.
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